Need help in school?

All tutors are high school students who are eager to work with you and help to improve your academics. Tutors will assist you to become an independent learner and help you reach your full potential.

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Testimonials from Students & Parents

Our 4th grader had 2 wonderful tutors through Your Academics who helped him with his math skills. Both of them were very talented, dedicated and super friendly and we couldn’t be happier. What a wonderful service Your Academics is, especially during a tough pandemic year- kudos!
- A. Rokkam

This unique year has brought many challenges with learning. Working with Your Academics we were paired with a tutor that connected with my kids and helped them move the needle in reading. While it was virtual, our tutor was able to make it fun and engaging for my 3rd and 1st graders! We will definitely use this program in the future!
- Robyn Libertiny

My 6th grade son was paired up for help with a 10th grade student. She was so kind and patient as she worked with my son on his writing assignments. We are so appreciative of her and of the program that paired them up.
- Traci Da Silva

This was my son's first year with tutoring through Your Academics. He missed a lot of important math concepts and fundamentals last spring in 4th grade when school went remote. 5th grade curriculum did not go back to cover those units so he was struggling. His tutor was able to get him back up to speed and cover the missing pieces. Tutoring by a high school student was engaging, fun, and helpful. He was able to work with my son as a peer and he benefitted greatly.
- Rebecca Brindley

 I am so very thankful for this program. Both my kids (4th and 7th graders) are being tutored and I couldn't be happier. The 4th grader gets weekly tutoring with Lucy Corry and his teacher has noticed the difference - Lucy is an amazing role model and I am so glad to have her in our lives. The 7th grader gets weekly tutoring with Arsh Khan and he finds it very helpful. Arsh is a terrific tutor and a great role model as well. Thanks a lot for this amazing program!!
- Silvia Prandi-Turk

It has been a productive and positive experience working with our tutor. He was prompt, patient and supportive when working with Michael.
- Michael and Mrs. DiLullo